Our services

Professional Careers
Support for professional career planning and management; cure of material and logistical aspects

Mental Coaching, Nutritionism and Athletic Preparation
Assistance to train mind and body and to develop one’s potential to the maximum

Representation and Brokerage
Consulting for commercial and contractual issues, always in respect of norms and careers

Marketing, Sponsorship and Image Rights
Promotion and enhancement of the footballers’ and their sponsors’ brands

Legal Sector
Legal assistance and tutelage in respect of the complexity of norms and regulations
a professionals team
At the service of Clubs and Athletes
Winners Management takes care of the interests and images of athletes and sport clubs. The agency offers qualified assistance through highly competent profiles which are esteemed throughout Europe for their curricula and their activity of international scouting. The athlete who relies on Winners Management can solely concentrate on the sporting aspect, conscious that they will be represented with professionalism.